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Seedera (Khan Sedera Bibi)

Mother Tongue: Urdu

Profession: Student


1. How long have you lived in HK?

Ans: I have been living here since I was born.


2. What is your native language?

Ans: Urdu.


3. Where did you learn your native tongue? Parents, schools or ?

Ans: My family.


4. When do you use this language in Hong Kong?

Ans: When I am with my Pakistani friends and my family.


5. What language do you always use in HK? Why?

Ans: Cantonese, we have to learn it at school and it is a more convenient and common medium in HK.


6. Do you speak all the languages your parents speak? Why or why not?

Ans: Yes, because they taught me so that I can talk to my grandparents in Pakistan.


7. Do your children speak your native language? Will you let your children learn your native language? Why?

Ans: I will let my children learn my language so that they can talk to my parents...And don't forget our place of origin.


8. How would you feel if your grandchildren or future generations no longer speak your native tongue?

Ans: Sad, because they are Pakistani but they don't speak Urdu.


9. What would you say to anyone who wants to learn your native tongue?

Ans: It is quite difficult.


10. Given the expertise and the resources, would you want to teach others your native language?

Ans: No, because it's too hard to teach.


11. Do you see yourself as a HongKonger? How do you find HongKongers?

Ans: Yes, because I was born here and I love this place.


12. How, in your opinion, do Hongkongers perceive your native tongue or people speaking in your native tongue? Are there any particularly impressionable experiences you can share with us?

Ans: They sometimes label us as bad people because they think people from Pakistan are rude and abusive, but actually we are nice people.


13. What were the difficulties in learning English or Cantonese?

Ans: It is not hard to learn English but very difficult to learn Chinese, because the character are very complicated to write and it sounds strange.


14. Rate the proficiency all the languages you speak (1. conversation fluent, 2. can understand but cannot speak, 3. Know some words)

Ans: Urdu:1 English:1 Chinese:1


15. Do you speak in creole, like Chinglish (Chinese mixed with English)?

Ans: No.


16. What cultural or religious holidays do you celebrate? And how do you celebrate them?

Ans: Our Islamic new year. We visit our friends and share foods and pray together.


17. What does your language mean to you?

Ans: It is about my place of origin and reminds me of where do i come from.

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